jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Free theme post

Hi there, well it's have been difficult to me to think in a free topic, so, next I´m going to explain to you how to do a very funny and magic object: a kaleidoscope!
(I recommend you to play this video while you do the kaleidoscope: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XnMMiDUqi4)

- cd´s
- adhesive tape
- cardboard tube
- acrylic beads or pieces of paper of differents colors and textures
- 5 circles of the same size: 2 little circles of cardboard (one of them with a small holle in the center, and the other one with a biggest one); 2 transparent circle and one circle of tracing paper.
- scissors


1. At first, you have to draw on cd 3 rectangles of same size each one; then cut them using the scissors.

2. Then, connect the rectangles using the adhesive tape; the bright side of the rectangles should face inward.

3.  Now, you have to unite the rectangles so as to form a triangle with them.

4. Then, you have to put the triangle in the cardboard tube

5. Now, in one extreme of cardboard tube you have to put one little transparent circle (that you previously cut). Then you have to put all the elements that you choose (either, acrylic beads of different types and colors; or pieces of paper of different sizes, color and textures). The next step is to put, above these elements, the other transparent circle. After this, you have to put the tracing paper, and at the end, you have to put the cardboard circle with the big hole in the center. The cardboard circle with the small hole you have to stick it at the other extreme of the cardboard tube and this will be the side on which we will look.

That's all!

2 comentarios:

  1. Dani is a great idea for to give in this at Christmas...good information... :D

  2. Dani, your post is very original and easy to understand the procedure.
