viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

How green I am

Hi there. Well, as we have to talk about how green do we are, I must start saying that I don’t really know if I am an ecological person or if I have a highly developed environmental consciousness ; I mean that I think that we can always do more than we actually do by trying to be a greener person.
Nowadays, I have some behaviors that are less contaminants and harmful than others, but I don’t know if that makes me a green person. In the possible, I constantly try to recycle plastic objects and glassware in a container closer to my house. Also, I prefer walk on foot or ride a bicycle instead of drive a car –because I don’t have a car-. Another behavior that it may considered as an ecological one is to avoid littering the street, and in this case I also try not to do it and I’m pretty insistent with my friends or family about it. Respect at water care, I’m also very careful and I don’t use it in unnecessary purposes or in absurd amounts. Respect at sheet, I try in the possible to reuse it and to not to buy more than the necessary; the same thing with the plastic bags, I try to avoid it.
Well, I’m totally agreed with the development of environmental politics, but I’m not too involved in the matter; however I try in the possible to decrease and avoid the possibilities of contamination or pollution, but, as I say before, I don’t think that it makes me a greener person, because that are minimal behaviors for environmental care.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The Guardian: "Memories are made of this". Simon Garfield.

Hi there! This is my post about an article of The Guardian. Teacher! sorry for the delay =(
The next article is about Alzheimer, which is actually considered the “disease of our times”.  By the author, Simon Garfield, this disease has strongly entered in our culture, and it's clearly present in our everyday language, mainly in jokes about memory.
The more visible, disturbing and feared symptom of the Alzheimer is the severe memory loss. In this aspect, psychologists have say before that “we are our memories”; and this affirmation can be seen clearly in this disease. Actually, there are a lot of knowledges about the brain function, and this scientific advance it maybe will help at the future: “and we are now able to pinpoint its decline and hint at its repair”. In fact, pharmaceutical industry is hardly working in the creation of drugs with components that has several influence in the brain, with respect to neurotransmitters, hippocampus, connecting cells of the brain and enzymes, mainly. By now, these drugs have been experimented in animals, principally, monkeys and dogs.
At the moment, there is no a certainly cure for the Alzheimer, but there is advanced studies and investigations about several things that have an influence in the condition of the disease.
I invite you to read the next piece of news:. Let’s hope that in the future, researchers can find a cure: 

Music, movies and books

As the topic at this blog is a free theme, I’m going to talk about things that I like respect at movies, music and books, principally. Respect at books, I like a lot the Latin-American writers, for example, I like a lot José Saramago who is a Portuguese writer; the book that I like most of Saramago is “Ensayo sobre la ceguera”. I also like a lot Julio Cortázar; “Los premios” and “Rayuela” are my favorite books of him. About Chileans writer, the one that I like most is José Donoso, and the books of him that I have enjoy most are ”Coronación”, “El obsceno pájaro de la noche” y “Casa de campo”.
Apropos of music, my musical taste is quite varied, but I like a lot British music, and my very favorite bands are The Beatles and Pink Floyd. However, I also enjoy a great deal the latin-american singing.
Respect at movies, I have a lot of favorites of it. The directors that I like and enjoy most are David Lynch (director of “Blue Velvet”, “Lost highway”, “Mulholland drive”), Stanley Kubrick (“Eyes wide shut”, “The Shining”, “Full Metal Jacket”) Quentin Tarantino (my favorite movie of him is “Pulp fiction”), Wim Wenders and Kim Ki-Duk. I also like the directors –and the movies of their- that were part of the movement which in France is known as Nouvelle Vague: the French New Wave.

Greetings! =)

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Dogs =)

So that we have to talk about pets, I must start saying that I don’t have a pet at present.  In the past I have had a few dogs at pet; in the fact dogs are animals that I like most, I think that they are very faithful and fun, but I didn’t have very good experiences with them.
When I was a child we have a dog who was named Buddy –He lives already in our home when I was born-, but he die and I do not really remember why.
Then, after some years, a family friend gave us a female German Shepherd dog that we called Luna; she lived a lot of time with us and we loved her a lot, but we have to give it away because we moved of house at another which didn’t have space to have a pet. I suffer a lot because of it, but at that I time I still visiting Luna in her new home.
After a few years, we moved again at a house with a lot of space, and my parents gave me, as a birthday present, a new partner that we called Pascual. Pascual was a Cocker Spaniel dog and he was a very-very-very hyperactive pet. After a year, in an unfortunate day, when we came home we didn´t find him there. I still don’t know if he escapes or if he was robbery. =C
So, that is it.
I hope you have a great weekend!